How is everyone? Well, i guess that most of you is having your time right now, studying most importantly, except for me.. still struggling in the life of infantile people and TWSS. haha, the most memorable about this school is not SCHOOL , [ you know what i mean ] Is rather the friends i had so far. Im guess im quite outta of the group as i had my night life, own friends and stuffs. i barely had any girlfriends, just a few or so.. So you guys are my good girlfriends i hope. hahaa!
To cyn : hello babyyy ! How are you, havent seen you quite a while.. meet up sometime since stay yewtee nia -.- , and takecareee my winnie for me ! (: miss you.
To Feli : HAHA, did you fall at any edges and act like nothing happen? I hopee all the best for you, got a great future ahead! :D
To Samantha : EH CHIIOOOO BU ! HAHAHA. rabbit. blahblah. hope you last long with your bf leh, so long alr. envy *
To Joanne : SUPERLONG NEVER SEE YOU. FUCKINNGG LONG. haha, the most mature one, and also got bf.. last long la!
To grace : mother! seen you always -.- at school events or so, everytime smile smile only (: talk to me leh, stupidddzxxx
To wendy : Another girl with a longg longg bf. haha! how you, also super long never talk to you alr nor seen you.. ): sadden. HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON !
To yanling : HOW YOU ? BAND GIRL. AHAHHA! so fierce now ah, see me nvr smile

Labels: i miss you guys
Yours truly,
(BFF Since 15.04.2004!)